All prices VAT included & including
1. All Sessions attendance
2. Industry Exhibition & Social Connection Area Access
3. Congress Bag
4. Attendance Certificate
5. v-HELP attendance
(upon availability, first come first served)
6. (coffee break + 1 lunch) x 2 days
7. public vein-lymphatic awareness registration
Full registration: 675 eur
University Students: 280 eur
Residents: 280 eur
Accompanying person: 280 our
Affiliated Organizations (-24% UIP rate): 510 our
Tier 3 (first 20): free
Tier 3 (after first 20): 280 eur
Tier 2: 510 eur
All the healthcare professionals including more than 100 patients in the v-REGISTRY real world data platform
are invited as Faculty with FREE REGISTRATION
and possibility to present their experience.
PCO: Avenue Media
dr.ssa Elisabetta Iogna
t: +39 0516564300 ; + 39 3355302981