Covid not-for-profit video educational project dedicated to venous-lymphatic patients contained at home during the COVID-19 virus outbreak. CLICK THE FLAG of your preferred language and enjoy the related educational material PROJECT RATIONALE(CLICK HERE) ENGLISH VERSION: Sergio Gianesini, MD SPANISH VERSION: Oscar Bottini, MD FRENCH VERSION: Pauline Raymond-Martimbeau, MDMatthieu Josnin, MDNicolas Néaume, MD ITALIAN VERSION: Sergio Gianesini, MD PORTUGUESE VERSION: Armando Mansilha, MD CHINESE VERSION: Yung Wei Chi, MD ARABIC VERSION: Ashkan Haghshenas, MD PERSIAN VERSION: Ashkan Haghshenas, MD TURKISH VERSION:Suat Doganci, MD ARABIC/EGYPT VERSION:Bishara, Fakhry, Gaweesh, Hussein, Taha