for the accepted abstracts
All the accepted abstracts will enjoy free registration of the speakers, if under 40 yo.
The speaker is not forced to be also the first author of the study.
The intention is to promote a Mentor‐Pupil relationship.
from the world
Along the 2016 and 2017 the vWIN foundation awarded scientific winners from the annual meeting of the American College of Phlebology and from the V International Interuniversity meeting in Argentina. Not only the author of the work but also his/her pupil will be offered flight stipend, accommodation and registration at the VI international Interuniversity meeting in Albarella Island. The vision is the promotion of international networking and brainstorming, for our discipline advancement.
VI international Interuniversity
The vWIN scientific committee will award the most interesting work offering a flight stipend and registration to the next Annual Meeting of the American College of Phlebology or to the VII International Interuniversity meeting in Latin America, based upon the will of the winner. In order to be eligible for the prize the speaker must be under 40 yo. The speaker is not forced to be the Author of the paper.
The vWIN foundation, apart the research and the humanitarian mission, has also the aim of promoting social and sport initiatives addressed to increase public venous awareness. By means of the Game Over to Leg Failure project, the vWIN foundation is already endorsed by the Italian Olympics Committee and by the Italian Golf Federation.
Raffle prizes were given along the 2016 and 2017 to host NOT health professionals to the VI International Interuniversity meeting social events. Participants from Argentina, Colombia and USA will gathered together with the attendees of the September 9 th event.
Along the 2017 many social and sport initiatives are creating a list of participants who are increasing their awareness by attending the events. On September 9 th a raffle prize will identify the winner of a flight stipend and accommodation to the next social events of the American College of Phlebology annual meeting or to the VII International Interuniversity meetings, in USA and Argentina respectively, based on the will of the winner. Even just filling in the venous awareness questionnaires you can participate to the raffle prize. Give it a try!